Exploring fitness, health, and all things rebounder related.


Great video on the Needak Rebounder by Jennifer L. Scott of the Daily Connoisseur

It’s really great to see people far and wide reap the many benefits of the Needak Rebounder. Here’s a video by author Jennifer L. Scott on the Needak – it goes into explaining how she uses it, how she feels before, during, and after, and […]

Introducing: The Needak Affiliate Program

Do you run a fitness blog or are you an avid Facebook user? Do you have a forum that you use to share health and weight loss related information and tips to people? Do you run a blog? Well, if you are involved in spreading […]

Needak.com – Your Guaranteed Authorized US Retailer

Some of our customers get confused at the number of different stores selling the Needak Rebounder. Some have model years, others have model numbers, and it all gets a bit muddy. Well here, we’ll shed a little bit of light on it. Needak.com (and Needak.ca, […]